We know your sale is very important, and so is your ad. Discover how featuring your ad in a priority position, above thousands of advertisers can bring. Feature your ad for 30 day or more, and drastically increase your sales and visitors; users trust featured ads more.
To make your ad highlight compared to others and place them in a triumphal position we suggest our features.
Improve your sales time
Encuentra24.com, always thinking in the security of our clients contracted the online payment service with credit card with an American company of broad international prestige called 2checkout.com
2checkout platform has security protocols with international standards, which do not allow your credit card data to be viewed by any Encuentra24.com team member.
The encrypted information travels and the transaction is carried out directly in the SSL secure servers of the banks.
2CheckOut accepts orders of the clients via online checks, credit cards Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, Dinners, JCB and debit cards with the Visa and MasterCard logo.